young asian woman warming up in gym

Abuse by Exos of Independent Contractors in the Fitness Industry

Marie is offered a gig job by Exos, a fitness industry company, which involves strict terms inhibiting her from gaining sufficient income. The outlining contract not only prevents her teaching more than 15 hours a week elsewhere in the industry, but also requires her to disclose this agreement to all future employers thereby severely limiting her employment prospects. Marie refuses to sign, highlighting the unfair treatment of gig workers and critiquing the false image it paints of the economy's health.

Feature image from CanvasRebel article showing Dr. Marie wrapping her handmade soap formulated to be good for skin, especially itchy skin and skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema

CanvasRebel Features Stories About Small Businesses, Artists and Creatives, Including Mine

Dear Readers, I am honored and grateful to be featured in a national online magazine, CanvasRebel, that highlights small business owners, artists and creatives. Thank you CanvasRebel for sharing inspiring stories and providing exposure that can be so elusive! Check out this article including an incredible true story about soap that everyone should know and … Continue reading CanvasRebel Features Stories About Small Businesses, Artists and Creatives, Including Mine