
Dear Readers,

I am so excited to announce that I will be participating in Chicago Zine Fest 2020! Last year, I had the opportunity to be an exhibitor during the 10th anniversary of the fest in downtown Chicago (#CZF2019). This year, the year of the novel coronavirus, the event will be online. I am participating, and so can you (http://chicagozinefest.org/). Here is how you can participate (from their website):

  • Share your zines (or other people’s zines!) on social media with the hashtag #CZF2020 on Friday, May 15th and Saturday, May 16th. There is no registration or limit to who can participate, so long as you’re a zine maker or enthusiast.
  • Tune into digital programming: Readings, workshops, and panel discussions.
  • Join the online Zinester Directory: Submit an entry about yourself and your zines to be included in the Zinester Directory, a spreadsheet of active zinesters to browse in perpetuity! Link to submit your entry: https://bit.ly/ZinesterDirectoryForm and you can check out the Zinester Directory itself here: https://bit.ly/ZinesterDirectorySpreadsheet

Since I have the privilege and merit of being a life scientist (Marie Kube’s curriculum vitae), I have an obligation to tell the truth in sharing my education and experience. I am dedicated to the confluence of science and spirituality in pursuit of truth that is good. Why? To end social injustices stemming from control by evil forces of our necessities: water, food, shelter, clothing, and footwear.

Especially with the ongoing threat of the pandemic, many have lost much, and I have support to offer. I offer free daily online Zumba® dance fitness classes and all are welcome to party themselves into shape (mariekube.zumba.com). Zumba® dance fitness classes are exhilarating, effective, easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired, calorie-burning dance fitness parties that are moving millions of people toward joy and health.

I also offer lifestyle and spiritual understanding compatible with scientific truths. My work is not just entertaining, it is also educational, and a lot of information is freely available on my websites (www.art-and-smart.com). Otherwise, I might have a conflict of interest like so many other sources of information. My websites have a donation button for those who can and want to donate. I also have an online shop offering publications for sale to support the new school (**** see the table below), and there are more publications to add. In the meantime, please contact me if you are interested in any of the zines described below.

The first product offered for sale in our online shop is the book, “Instructions for Helping to Improve the Human Condition.”  This book explains in logical fashion how one can be a scientist and believe in God.  For skeptics, exploring the spiritual realm can be convincing and interesting. This information is also freely available online (https://myspiritualconnection.org/instructions/) because no privilege should stand between anyone and the truth.

So why buy a book that is also available online?

Here are the top seven reasons: (1) the book has a table of contents that makes it easier to use, (2) the book has extra pages at the end where you can write your notes, (3) buying the book is an inexpensive way to support our work in bridging the gap between science and spirituality which impacts us all, (4) books have been and will be around even if the internet and the fossil fuels to power it are not, (5) it’s not good to spend too much time using cell phones and computers because you can suffer poor posture and poor health, (6) information might not be available online in the future, (7) a book can be autographed.

Here are my books and zines published to date along with a short description and link to where they are available:

Instructions_cover sm

Sexiest cover sm

Art and Smart cover sm

  • Art and Smart: The Art of Living Smart

Microsoft Word - Understanding and Surviving PTSD zine

  • Understanding and Surviving Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): A Real Story
    • This report documents survival and recovery of a severe case of post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD, for three years following a nervous breakdown. The purpose of this report is to improve the understanding of PTSD based on expertise and experience which will help to better recognize PTSD, reduce suffering, increase survival, and help people with PTSD get better faster.
    • This report contains the following sections: Introduction, Current Diagnostic Criteria for PTSD, PTSD Physiology, Recognizing PTSD, Surviving PTSD, and Personal PTSD Experience.
    • One contributor to this report, Dr. Marie D. Kube, Ph.D., is also the subject of this case study (Marie Kube’s curriculum vitae). Another contributor to this report, Dr. Michael G. Klug, is an expert in physiology (Michael Klug’s curriculum vitae).
    • Available at

Microsoft Word - Big Pharma Gets Stoned pgs2

Microsoft Word - Damn Ice Dam zine

  • Damn Ice Dam
    • This zine teaches about an all too common problem of damn ice dams that too many homeowners face. Filled with color photographs illustrating the problem in an entertaining fashion, this zine is a must for homeowners and house shoppers in climates with accumulating annual snowfalls, especially those who think it is good to have icicles hanging from the house.
    • Available at

Microsoft Word - Genetic Engineering of Our Food zine

  • Genetic Engineering of Our Food: Nature vs. Nurture
    • Most people and their children have been eating genetically engineered foods, so you should understand these foods because we are what we eat. Two molecular biologists explain what you need to know in an understandable and interesting manner.
    • Available at

Microsoft Word - Ever wonder how real estate developers got so r

Microsoft Word - Scitainment zine

  • Scitainment = Science & Entertainment

Microsoft Word - Basal Thermometer zine

  • How to Empower Women with Basal Thermometers
    • This zine explains why we need to get a basal thermometer to every woman of child-bearing age in the whole world before the fossil fuel era collapses completely.  It is about sex, so naturally entertaining.
****Core Curricula of the New School in the New Economy
Departments (Necessities) Example Courses and Research Areas
Physical Water Biology, Chemistry, Microbiology, Medicine, Engineering (e.g., dams, filtration, irrigation), Environmental Science*
Food Sustainable Farming, Hunting, Gathering and Fishing, Medicine** (e.g., Human, Veterinary, Nutrition, Herbalism), Environmental Science*
Shelter Sustainable Production of Sustainable Construction Materials, Healthy Home Construction, Engineering, Mathematics, Physics
Clothing Sustainable Production of Sustainable Fibers, Engineering for Weaving and Sewing, Design (see Arts Department below)
Footwear Sustainable Farming (e.g., Plant fiber and Animal Husbandry), Engineering for Leather-making and Shoemaking, Design (see Arts Department below)
Spiritual Arts & Humanities Fitness and Well-Being (e.g., Dance, Martial Arts, Yoga, Personal Hygiene, Physical Therapy (e.g., gait analysis)), Drawing, Painting, Music, Singing, Writing (e.g., History, Philosophy), Design, Theater, Social Science***

*Environmental Science is used here to describe an interdisciplinary academic field that integrates physical, biological and information sciences including ecology, biology, physics, chemistry, zoology, mineralogy, oceanology, limnology, soil science, geology, atmospheric science, climatology, botany, astronomy and geodesy to the study of the environment and solutions to environmental problems.

** Let your food be your medicine, and let your medicine be your food, said Hippocrates, the father of medicine.

***Social Science is used here to describe an interdisciplinary academic field dedicated to the study of society and the way people behave and influence the world around us (e.g., economics, politics, psychology, anthropology, sociology, ethnography).

Please feel free to contact me.

Thank you for reading!

Lots of Love, Marie

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